Charlbury Riverside Festival, 20-21 June 2009

This year’s Charlbury Riverside Festival takes place over the 20th and 21st of June. Saturday’s lineup includes Smilex, Little Fish, Tristan and the Troubadours on the Main Stage, with ย Sextodecimo and Winnebago Deal on the Second Stage. On Sunday there are a host of favourites on display, including The Epstein, A Silent Film and Les Clochards (album review coming soonish). For full lineup, transport and accommodation details etc. please click here.

  • thin green fred.

    Thin Green Candles are playing on Sat at 3.00 main stage,
    We had a really bad gig @ fat lils for the Riverside Warm up gig, so we plan on really going for it this time and showing Andy and Charlbury what we can do.

  • johnny moto

    this looks like it will be a good day of music. i shall come over on my motorbike there’s a lot of good twisty back-roads in the area.
    i will be there for 3pm to see tgc ime sure it will be a good one for you Fred…

  • jamess

    mmmm – plotting to collect car on fri, therefore freeing up time for a swift zoop on bike around the cotswolds before returning to shift amps etc…..muchly looking forward to this!

  • WeStartFires

    Id be tempted to go to this only to see Smilex, Hearts In Pencil and Tristain…..Les Clochords could be interesting as well.

    couldnt really give a hoot about the rest though.

  • Kev

    looks ALRIGHT. not great tho.

  • johnnymoto

    why so negative? its gonna be great worth it for the awesome desert storm alone.
    its free you can hardley loose out and the forecast is a sunny weekend.
    lots of reliable good groups and a few i dont know and look forward to seeing for the first time.
    cant wait,lets rock!

  • jamess

    careful with that enthusiasm johnny – it could be contagious!

  • Kev

    im never satisfied really. but im glad the epstein and a silent film are playing.

    ill be at the bar during liddington and inlight though…. couldnt put myself through that again

  • jamess

    a distracted sense of curiosity will persuade me to check Inlight, just to what the fuss is about…..

  • david

    The bar is near the mainstage, I’d advise you visit the 2nd stage when those acts are on, if you hate them.

    Am I the only person who thinks that the fact that this is a mixture of great acts & duffers, a mixture of music I’ve seen in Oxford many times & stuff I’d probably never come across, actually improves the weekend?

    Watching crap music can be fun, if you have a back full of beers & a mate or two! Especially if it’s free.

  • Kev

    I agree that its a varied line up, its certaintly going to be a good weekend. but it just looks like there is also a fair bit of filler.

    It could be fun watching some poor bands though actually. After a few beers who knows, I might get into it. I could always make a nice big “inlight suck” banner to hold up. Only kidding. I trust somebody else will

  • johnnymoto

    why have a go at inlight?go to the festival with a open mind and enjoy the vibe.

  • colinmackinnon

    Yes, I agree with Johnny. Inlight, for a band that produces such inoffensive music, seems to generate ferocious partisanship, both for and against. For example, as moderator of this site, I had to delete some grotesque and slanderous allegations the other day about the band, made by some weird little creep. Of course it was a false e-mail address. The internet can be a scary place, sometimes.

  • Big Tim

    I thought there was an unwritten rule that said all miserable swines attending the festival had to be thrown in the river repeatedly til they cheered the f**k up? (self-censoring for the benefit of C-Mac and Leigh)

    I’d say Kev is first in line for a good ducking.

  • johnnymoto

    ive met inlight and i found them a straight talking decent bunch of lads.
    we cant all like the same music but slagging people of on false e-mails pretty cowardley.
    its a damn good job we dont all fancy the same girl as well………
    dont they still burn witches and dunk nags in charlbury?

  • gappy

    I don’t know. But I do think they agree with you in principal in Charlbury, Johnny: just the other day a local said “Wouldn’t it be a boring world if we all fancied the same sister?”

    (The little devil emoticon would go here, if this was the proper internet).

  • Joe


  • Joe


    ๐Ÿ˜€ :) ๐Ÿ˜‰ :( ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜• ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜ก ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿ˜ฅ ๐Ÿ‘ฟ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ :roll: โ— โ“ ๐Ÿ’ก โžก ๐Ÿ˜ :mrgreen: :ugeek:

  • Joe

    Why so harsh on inlight? I dont like them but I keep it to myself. Everyone has their own oppinion dont try and force it on others.

    Except Ute do however really suck.

  • Jay Rival

    This is free ennit?

    Not a massive Inlight fan myself but im sure i can avoid them without too much bother (saying that ive only heard about 20 seconds of a song but its deffo not my mug of tea)….thers obviously some folk with some personal beef with them i doubt all the flack they get is cus of there music alone (id hope not anyway)

  • Joe

    “Why so harsh on inlight? I dont like them but I keep it to myself. “
    LOL. Comedy genius! :roll:

  • Jay Rival

    Maybe they have a long line of pissed off ex members or summink? (i think everyband has at least one ex drummer who is out to destroy the reputation of the current line up)

    Not us mind The Rivals are like one big inbreeding family haha

  • thin green fred.

    Sorry Trev right off will you Jay, Joe is in no way trying to destroy the reputation of our current line up, (we did that our self on Wednesday night) The thing is Jay if Joe responds to your sly attacks you will go running off claiming he is harassing you why don’t you just leave it out. Joe has stayed friends with us all and there is no hard feeling between the band nor should there be, despite what you would like to think.

  • jamess

    i wasn’t going to interpret what jay said as a personal thing, rather than a cheeky speculation about bands in general……but, to clarify what fred’s said – and i’ve said before, joe in real life is a personable and very likeable character – we all got on fine, and i don;t think there’s any hard feelings at all about him leaving – might give him more time to focus on Spiral 25 – a damn fine band.

    everyone – stop being so sensitive and play nicely, unless it’s on the footy pitch!

  • Jay

    Guys u have it all wrong…i wasnt thinking of u at all. Dont even know what Joe played in ur band. Honest chaps calm down it was a spinal tap ref.

  • fred

    ha ha you are a joker Jay Ha ha, Never seen Spinal Tap, should watch it really. Silly me thinking you would be having a pop, Enjoy Riverside

  • Jay

    And Fred u know nothing if im ‘attacking’ ur band i wouldnt b so subtle…as it appens ive nowt against Joe really, i have nowt but respect 4 James and i aint even heard ur TGC project..i dont know u or Joe (and u dont know me!)

  • thin green fred.

    Honestly never sceen Spinal tap or School of rock

  • gappy

    There’s quite a difference between the two! You should see Spinal Tap at the earliest opportunity, Fred.

    If it makes any difference, I didn’t read any snide undertone to Jay’s comment

  • phill

    You’re in a band and you’ve never seen Spinal Tap? What’s wrong with you? Although I don’t think Jay has either because there’s nothing about an ex-drummer trying to destroy the reputation of the current line up – they are too busy blowing up, choking on their own vomit or having bizarre gardening accidents.

  • thin green fred.

    never really played music till a year a go and all i do now is lap top stuff, I rely on James and Leigh for the full rock and roll experance.
    Will watch Spinal tap ASAP anyone got a copy they want to lend me.

  • JohnnyInlight

    Hi i’m the bassist from Inlight.

    Thanks to those who keep an open mind. I really appreciate it.
    I would just like to say, i really enjoy what we do and have no idea where all these extreme views come from and as far as i’m aware, we’ve never done anything that has caused controversy.

    Unfortunately I couldn’t stay all night at the festival, but would like to say that Smilex were great! :)

  • thin green fred.

    Hi Johnnyinlight.
    It might be the fact that “weโ€™ve never done anything that has caused controversy.” thats the problem? I don’t know, I caught the first 1/2 of you set. it was very well played and put together unlike ours,

  • jamess

    i’d just like to say……you can’t dust for vomit….

  • thin green fred.

    ours was messy but bloody good fun,

  • Adam


    smilex. the only band on saturday who actually put on a show…. the others were just average and didnt really make any use of the stage. might as well have been playing their little pop songs on a tiny stage.

    sunday however was a huge improvement. a silent film are incredible and should have headlined. overall standard was a little better too. from what i saw most of the bands up there shouldnt have been. but its a free festival and looks like everybody enjoyed themselves. i would hug the organisers if i have arms

    however something is really irritating me. little fish. how are they doing so well writing songs with only 2 chords and shouting? mental!!!

  • Fizzywig

    Sorry to be a pendant Phill but didn’t the Tap’s drummer choke on someone else’s vomit, not his own? Hence the `you can’t dust for vomit…’?

  • Phill

    Maybe, but like David St Hibbins said “it was never proven”

  • Phill

    I meant Hubbins, of course

  • david

    “Pendant”, I like it. If you’re gonna be pedantic, don’t leave us hanging!

  • leesmilex

    hi! just wanted to say thanks to all who came to the festival and especially those who watched our set! we always enjoy charlbury sets and this one was one of our favourites! the audience there is so receptive! we have never signed so many autographs! :-) thanks and congratulations to everyone involved – good work! :-)x
    p.s. thought there were many good sets but my personal fave was tatt’s headline, it is so nice to see a band of local teenagers rise through the billing and get recognition!