From Here, We Run! / The Sidewinders / Minor Coles @ The Wheatsheaf, Oxford, 27/06/2009

Shuffling sweatily through heat-maddened central Oxford, I had low hopes for a good turnout at this month’s Gappy Tooth night at the Wheatsheaf, (Cornmarket street, hazy and violently simmering in the late-evening sun provided proof positive that sometimes a water-cannon is in perfect order) but in the event, the pull of three local bands ensured that while the showing was modest, it was far from negligible.

Minor Coles are a new one on me, but they are making friends and news at a healthy rate, having secured a berth at the Truck festival recently. The honour is well-deserved, the quartet making punchy, melodic, wide-screen indie rock, and possessing two strong lead singers. It’s actually quite difficult to think of specific bands they sound like: the best I could come up with was Seafood with a dash of British Sea Power noise, while others mentioned the spikier end of The Delgados. In any case, their compact set was highly impressive: for a band that’s been together for a matter of months, everything seems astonishingly well-engineered: the vocal harmonies are note-perfect, the occasional double lead-guitar passages pulled off with ease, and the only imperfections were non-musical: a non-authoritative set-list and a comical onstage argument about the right position for a capo- of course these human blemishes made us like them all the more.

The Sidewinders are likeable for different reasons: their utter commitment to an art which was exhausted long before ‘This is Spinal Tap’ administered the last rites is both amusing and slightly sad. They are what Jeremy Clarkson might call a proper rock and roll band: the bassist looks like he could pack down in the front row for Banbury Town Third XV, the guitarist spends half the gig with his eyes shut and his tongue out, and the lead singer was sporting an extremely hirsute chest- no doubt there’s still a breed of lady out there who finds that sort of thing attractive- perhaps the kind who swoons over DCI Gene Hunt. In any case, they made loud, dumb, hairy rock music very effectively, even if most of the content felt like it had been culled from an obscure AC/DC album circa 1983 (interesting trivia point: AC/DC once wrote fifteen songs in one afternoon, eight of which contained the word ‘Rock’ in the title. What boundless invention!)

Closing the show were Punt stars, From Here, We Run!, who judging from their Myspace page, have an array of clever math-rock tunes. But it was a patchy set. Actually it was near-disastrous. Beginning well with the spiky yet catchy ‘Abdul Jafur Lives to Fight’, the band showed their best qualities: singer Pietke has a strong, slightly husky voice, and the instrumentalists (bass, drums and guitar) are nimble and energetic. But from there, things went awry. The second song train-wrecked, which is no biggie, but the second take didn’t sound a lot better than the first, and the impression soon formed of a band operating outside the level of their technical abilities, and (even worse) suffering internal division. It’s almost as if Pietke wants to be in a melodic, girly, indie band like Sleeper, while the three blokes prefer to ape the time-signature juggling and nutty chord shapes of bands like Youthmovies and This Town Needs Guns. I noticed as the set ended, that the singer jumped off stage before the last song had even ended, with barely a look at her bandmates. Whether this was a pose or not, it felt worrying, and  they need to get it together quick.

  • gappy

    Cheers for the review, Colin, great read as ever.

    We were pretty happy with the turnout, all things considered: below average, but perfectly healthy.

    I had Nutty Chord Shapes for breakfast today.

  • will

    we played pretty bad!
    I totally agree with the review.
    Pietekes voice was knackered from the night before and after the set she said it felt pretty rough, i think thats why she went off stage early. We’ve only really just got back to being a band after exams so we were feeling pretty rusty.
    Oh well, shit happens.

  • Alan C

    i left as the last band came on. after each act i felt “id give the next band a chance”. huge let down of a night here. downstairs was much better.

  • gappy

    Sorry to hear that, Alan, but them’s the breaks when you take a punt on unknown musicians, I guess.

    At least you were bored by 3 different styles of band, so that took the edge off it ; )

  • jamess

    unfortunately missed minor coles, but was gently amused by sidewinders “none-more-pub-rock”, and really enjoyed From Here’s set – they made a good effort to rattle through some pretty complex songs, and i didn;t mind at all that the wheels came off a bit.

  • colinmackinnon

    Just a post-script to say, I have a lot of respect for Will, for putting his hand up and saying they had an off-night. The stock position from younger bands is often “shuddup, we’re only young ,the reviewer’s a moron etc’…. They’re a very talented bunch, and I’m looking forward to hearing them a bit further down the line.

  • Jay Rival

    Sounding over rehearsed can be a bad thing as well Will, i doubt anyone really noticed weve had nightmare giggs (nameley every time we play the O2 heh) were ive snapped 3 strings on the first song or when weve just been shitfaced and ended up snapping the necks on guitars and youd be surprised how little people notice/care.

    ive heard nothjing but good things about FHWR anyway so wouldnt worry too much chaps.

    Minor Coles are a good band as well…..super tight.

  • Jay Rival

    ‘Sounding over rehearsed can be a bad thing as well’

    Although i suppose this depends on your style of music, i can only presume Math needs a lot more focus than say Twee or Thrash.

    still i do still wanna come see your band despite the off night.

  • Big Tim

    Yeah, the whole point of anything “mathy” is that you should be able to play the difficult time sigs & changes with apparent ease. It all goes horribly wrong and sounds terrible if you screw up or can’t pull it off. It’s difficult enough to make that kind of stuff actually sound good when you play it right!

    This isn’t a judgment on FHWR, I haven’t seen or heard them, just an observation on music of that ilk.

  • will

    Thanks everyone! You totally rawk.

    We’ve always made a point to try and make being young not an excuse.
    The time changes normally feel fine, that night they felt very unnatural, sometimes I wish we could get away with playing in a more scrappy way, it would never work though.
    Come to the gig on the 9th yeah?

  • Jack

    Just a quick note to say great review really, I play drums in FHWR, and I agree with Will man, we had a big chat about this review and our set and the band in general the other night and I pretty much agree with every word you’ve written. It’s tough to hear and as much as we already knew it, it’s a real (in a good way) kick up the backside for us. We’ll get our shit together though so make sure you check us out again some time!!

    Thanks to Gappy as well, you guys do a good night :)


  • gappy

    I personally thought the set was fine – you all looked knackered, but it was hardly disastrous – altho I’m sure it wasn’t not up to your usual standard. The songs are good, too. But, there you go, everybody, & I mean everybody, has off nights, that’s just the way it is, and you deserve some sort of Oxford internet medal to agreeing so readily with a very reserved review! Good on you.

    My most fun of the evening was counting the number of people who were giving me “Rock out” looks when The Sidewinders were on, & the number who were asking, “Why the hell did you book this lot?”. Worked out about even, I reckon.

    If we can get the audience to argue amongst themselves, I always feel we’ve had a good gig ; )

  • phill

    Hi FHWR. The next time you record a demo can you not put as much reverb on your vocals? I really liked everything on the myspace except the reverb – it’s way too 80’s, but maybe that’s why ronan like it 😉

  • Joe

    Reverb is great.

  • Daisy Rodgers

    As Will said come down to the Jericho Tavern next Thursday 9th July to hear FH,WR! again or for the first time! (plus Tristan and the Troubadours + The Stone Saloon).

    As well as see them live I’m also v keen to ask the Smash Hits! style question of how they got their name. I assume it’s some sci-fi reference or from a cool movie………..

  • gappy

    The flier for tomorrow’s Shifty gig was clearly made by someone whose last job was on Smash Hits c.1985, so perhaps they could do the interview.

  • Pieteke

    Hey it’s Pieteke, the singer from FH,WR!
    Cheers for everyone sticking up for us!
    Yea it definitely was no our best gig, I had spent the day gurgling salt water and eating these hideous sweets called “Lockets Super Strong” (which I advise everyone for future reference to keep far, far away from!) But unfortunately nothing helped and I was still voiceless when it came to the gig.
    The heat still didn’t help with Chris the guitarist sweating all over his guitar making it untune half way through each song, normally our songs are tight and together, it was just a bad night, and I do apologize.
    But yes please do come and see us on the 9th, it should be a really good night, and we will be sorted out and a lot stronger, also the other two bands on the night are really good!
    Also can I just say I really enjoyed Minor Coles! I wish you all the best of luck!

  • Big Tim

    Forget Lockets, VocalZones are the beez kneez when it comes to getting your voice back.

    They taste like poo but they do the job.

  • Jay Rival

    ”As well as see them live I’m also v keen to ask the Smash Hits! style question of how they got their name. I assume it’s some sci-fi reference or from a cool movie………..”

    If you read there oxbands interview im sure thay answer that very question…well we were asked it and im sure its the same questions for each band.

  • jamess

    vocalzones rule – as reccomended by Tom Jones (no, seriously), Big Tim (have you heard him scream lately? check em on july 23rd – blatant plug), and er, me.

  • Beaver Fuel

    I haven’t heard Tim scream since I soundproofed the dungeon. I mean basement.

  • Alan C

    there are too many bands in oxford

  • david

    But conversely there are not enough useless, self-important, unhelpful observations, so well done for trying to make the difference, Al.

  • Ruben Everett

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for all of the positive comments (and the negative ones!) always helps :) We had a really good time playing this gig, and thank you for the amazing review, and to all the bands on the night everyone was amazing and its nice to be in good company. A word to Alan C… If you find live music boring/uninspiring, then you don’t have to stand around. chill out and listen to your iPod. Thanks for standing there and listening to us however. Can’t stop saying it enough, but thanks to everyone. We play again with Alphabet backwards on the 11th of July.

    All the Best,

    Ruben (Minor Coles)