Modern filming equipment

Want a video made for your band?

An Oxford-based photographer and film production student, Dominic John, is looking to work with local musicians on music videos and gig/studio session footage. It’s the proverbial ‘win-win': you get some footage to help promote your music, and he gets some more experience and extra content for his showreel.

Dominic has worked on music footage for a couple of bands in the past – Leed’s Zeno, and our very own Gunning For Tamar. Here’s the Zeno video:

There are more videos to be seen on Dominic’s Vimeo page, and if you like his style, make sure you check out his photography, some of which can be seen here (Gunning For Tamar pics) and here (live photographs).

Interested? Get in touch with Dominic John by email, on Twitter, through his website or via Vimeo. If it yields results, let us know about them!