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Dirty Water Records showcase at The Cellar, Oxford

Dirty Water Records, the London-based purveyors of top-quality modern surf, garage and snot-nosed 60s-tinged punk, are taking a trip to the Shire. They’re teaming up with Oxford promoters The Big Ten Inch to present a showcase at The Cellar in Oxford on 8 October.

The event, which runs from 8.00 pm until 3.00 am and costs either £5 in advance or before 10.00 pm, or £6 after, presents Beat Seeking Missiles (comprising Sir Bald Diddley, Supergrass’ Mick Quinn, Kid Wig from The Wig Outs and Bash Brand from Thee Headcoats), who are launching their debut single ‘Break My Fall’. They’ll be supported by Thee Vicars and The Arousers, each providing their own take on psyched-out beat tunes, and there will also be DJing from Count Skylarkin’ and the Dirty Water fellows themselves.

Dirty Water Records have an album coming in October by Hipbone Slim & The Kneetremblers, Square Guitar. It’s an eighteen-track stomping rockabilly explosion (and yes, you can quote us on that), from yet another outfit fronted by Sir Bald Diddley, who has been involved in no end of Oxford-based retro-punk-garage-wig-out bands.