Hot Hooves - Avoid Being Filmed cover

Hot Hooves debut album on the way and streaming online for free now!

Avoid Being Filmed is the ten track debut album from Hot Hooves, a veritable local supergroup whose lineup includes members of old-timey legends such as ATL, Talulah Gosh and Heavenly. It’ll be out on 23 November through Rivet Gun Records, who have previously provided aural delights from 13Gauge, Agness Pike, Laima and more, available from all kinds of online vendors like iTunes, Amazon, and so on.

Because they are a kind bunch, the band are currently offering a stream of the full album for free, right now, on their SoundCloud page. This will only be available for a limited time, so if it’s gone by the time you read this, well, it’s gone, and you’ll have to wait for the album’s release and shell out some proper money. If you got there in time, you’ll have enjoyed the noisy indie-pop on offer, we hope.

The launch of the album will be marked with a gig at The Cellar in Oxford on 25 November, which will see Hot Hooves supported by Nine Stone Cowboy.

  • HotHooves

    Do not fear if you missed the stream of the album in it’s entirenessness, from now until the release date there will be at least one track permanently on the soundcloud site linked above.
    It’s (almost) the least we can do.