Trophy Wife video still

Trophy Wife debut album details to be revealed through video collage

Update 27/09/12: This is nearing completion! There are now eight sections of the video collage in place on the Trophy Wife website. It’s looking good. Is it getting you all in a lather about the album? The final section should be added within the next couple of weeks – we’ll keep you informed…

“Beautifully spare, minimalistic indie” is how The Sunday Times describes Trophy Wife – at least according to Wikipedia, and everybody knows that the internet never lies, right? They’re also a very creative bunch, who have carefully crafted both the music and visual presentation of previous releases such as their Bruxism EP, which was issued last year on the Blessing Force imprint.

It seems to make sense, then, that the lead-up to their forthcoming debut album isn’t being done in the ‘normal’ way; instead they’re releasing instalments over the coming weeks that build up a video collage. In the words of band member Kit Monteith, it’s “our way of letting people in to experience what we’ve spent the last nine months of our lives doing. Each video features sections or stems from tracks that will be on our debut album. We feel, and always have done, that alongside the music the most important way for people to experience our band is through its visual elements, and the artwork… thats why we’ve decided to create this evolving art project on our blog to be, for the time being, the only vehicle through which people can discover what our debut record is all about.”

In the meantime, and if that video snippet doesn’t slake your Trophy Wife thirst, here’s their fantastic (and slightly creepy) video for ‘Wolf’, from the aforementioned Bruxism EP:

  • gappy

    We’ve been unlucky not to have uncovered a piece with Mr Chips on yet.