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Riverside Festival @ Charlbury, 20/06/2010


 “Please welcome Slantay,” yelps the main stage MC as Sunday kicks off.  Well, it’s written Slainte, but pronounced “slawncheh”, meaning “health” or, colloquially, “cheers”; a tough word for an Anglophone, perhaps, but surely if your job basically boiled down to saying the names of bands before they played, you might make the effort to work out what the words sounded like, no?  Not as bad as the announcer later on who introduced Redox by telling us they played “one of” his weddings (classy), and yet still laboured under the misapprehension they were called Reedox.

After a slightly scratchy opening Slainte, who are a Gaelic folk act (get away), build to a great head of steam, leavening the predicted foot tapping reels with ‘La Partida’, a luminescent harp showcase.

Apparently, gents think of the Alphabet Backwards if they’re trying to stave off, shall we say, a particular moment of intimacy.  Funny, then, that the band is a huge explosion of pure energetic release.  The beauty of the band is that they balance their Sunny Delight exuberance with some excellent song writing, not to mention the fantastically ornate and playful synth lines, that are like being wined and dined by a sexually predatory Ms PacMan.  My God, Sunday has started well.

And it doesn’t stop there.  Sonny Black is a white haired chap playing acoustic blues, and although we sometimes feel we’ve heard enough white haired chaps playing acoustic blues in provincial music events to last us until the day the lost chord is unearthed, Black really is worth a listen.  Not only does he have some effortless bottleneck technique and a great little bucolic melody in the lovely “North Of The Border”, but he can also celebrate Mississippi John Hurt’s “easy-kickin’ fingerpickin’” in an English accent without sounding like a dick.  There’s a quiet grace about him and his music, and he should have been higher up the bill with a few more train loads of listeners to greet him.

Lee Christian’s Prohibition Smokers Club are a loose-limbed latin pop jam band, looking like a mushroom ingesting cult pretending to be Kid Creole & The Coconuts.  The horns are punchy, and the set is pitched as a little interlude of fun, but still we felt it didn’t quite come together, and a cover of The Fun Lovin’ Criminals’ “Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em” drove us to the bar.  Everybody else in the whole of Charlbury seemed to love it, though, so what do we know? 

“Think Maroon 5 meets Beverley Knight combined creatively with early Red Hot Chili Peppers,” says the programme’s write up of Alyse In Wonderband.  Jesus, if we had thoughts like that we’d turn ourselves in to the nearest police station for the good of the nation.  Actually, they’re not bad at all, a youngish band who have a natural control of their pop-funk, and perform it with plenty of vim, Alyse Kimsey’s voice working well above fluent keys.  “Creep” in particular (no, not that one) has a groove that even cuts through our professional cynicism.

As is the case every year, billypure make like The Levellers to cheer up the revellers, and if it isn’t a revolutionary leap from their previous sets, they do a good job, as ever, and the James cover is an interesting arrangement.  The violin sounds horribly scratchy though – get a new pickup!

The Shakellers make a big-boned chirpy rock racket, something like The Bluetones pepped up on MSG and barndance cider, but The Black Hats do the perky guitar bit far better, their new wave ditties as excitable as a friendly puppy – and, oh look, there’s Lee Christian on guest vocals, with some of that sneering chutzpah we missed from the PSC set.  However, it’s Von Braun that really win us over, making a good grungy early Muhhoney noise with drums, two guitars and a frankly buggered mike lead.  At times the songs lift off into surreally wired mantras like The Pixies at their effervescent best.  A great discovery.

You have to wonder how some of the acts find themselves on the Riverside bill, and what they think of it when they get there.  Take Dead Like Harry, who have travelled all the way from Sheffield and who have recently toured with Scouting For Girls, do they think “finally, back to the roots”, or “disembowel the agent” when they roll up onto Mill Field?  Not to mention all the stall holders selling dayglo dope leaf hoodies and all that crud, who look as though they make about three sales all weekend, do they feel swizzed?  Well, fuck ‘em, the Riverside crowd is too sensible for that rubbish – the wacky hats are left to wilt in the sun whilst the home made cakes stall does a justifiably roaring trade.

Dead Like Harry are, of course, awful, but they don’t enrage us as much as we expected, even though they sound like Keane played by Hothouse Flowers.  In fact, they come across as a likable bunch, and their piano-flecked pop is easy to tune out whilst finishing the crossword. 

Phyal have been warmly welcomed back for a few reunion gigs, and Riverside is exactly the sort of place their approachable rock romps make sense.  “Crude” doesn’t quite hit the spot, but after some drumkit surgery and a few swigs of lemon squash – oh, Kevin Eldon, if only you’d been there – “Daisy” flies out of the traps, setting the clattering tone for the next thirty minutes.  A superb set but, it must be said, after three reunion gigs Phyal need to stop with the nostalgia and make some new recordings, or shut up! 

Nah, only joking, they’re always good value, as are The Mighty Redox.  They are a truly under-rated band outside of the furry fraternity in which they move.  Nick Clack and Graham Barlow, aside from looking like shiftless dropouts from some Restart scheme for unemployed wizards, are an outstanding rhythm section, but they certainly know their place, leaving the lion’s share of the stage to Phil Freizinger’s fuzzy guitar and the frankly loopy Sue Smith’s acid-sauteed vocal wailing.  Set highlight “Eternity” sounds like Gong freaking out in a banshee wife swapping party, until the world is fed through Freizinger’s giant phase pedal, which probably has its own generator backstage.

The weekend fininshed with The Quiet Men, who aren’t the band ageing scenesters will remember, but an Irish folk rock band, with a big line in Pogues songs. Well, that’s OK, we all like The Pogues, right?  Crowdpleasing, we suppose, but a disappointingly unadventurous end to the weekend.  But then again, the beauty of Riverside is that it can entertain old West Oxfordshire boozers, sun-drenched children, well-heeled salmon sandwich picnickers as well as miserable musical zealots like ourselves.  And, the real miracle is not that they’ve managed to put on a festival for free that aims to please so many people, but that they actually succeed.  We’ll definitely be back for more next year.


  • http://davidmurphyreviews.blogspot.com david

    On your marks…

  • Thin Green Fred

    David, I think the fact that you don’t give good reviews to all the bands says a lot about you as a person, Riverside is a free festival and is put on for people to enjoy ( and to keep Lee Smilex busy). it should be beyond criticism.

    BTW Thinking of Alphabet Backwards during “a moment of intimacy” really would not help slow things down as Steph backwards was looking very cute on sunday.

  • http://www.myspace.com/theprohibitionsmokersclub lee christian

    i love bits of that review! i only just purchased a cd version of ‘tropical gangsters’ to update from cd so maybe a bit of it stuck! u seem to have reached that point in every local reviewers career where they just cant be thrilled anymore! don’t worry it will come back when u least expect it! maybe at the next treat gig?
    i don’t agree that bands who play for free are above criticism at all but do think bands i’m in are! ;-)x
    p.s. fred, i am kept busy by much more than that as u will see soon! i just get well involved cos i love it!
    p.p.s – was it that u hate flc, david or that our version was so bad? i thought it went surprisingly well!

  • http://www.myspace.com/theprohibitionsmokersclub lee christian

    oh and btw…am i the only person who thinks alphabet backwards are just to happy to not be stepford droids?!
    nothing personal as they seem very nice people but my goodness i want their lives if they make them that happy!

  • Thin Green Fred

    Lee who were the rappers during “Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em”? One was quite good,
    AB are always happy and nice and say hello to me and make me feel good….. I think you could be right about the Stepford droids, They did just change there drummer maybe he broke, ..anyone see the Buffy episode Ted?

    Sonny Black was very good will try to see him again,

  • http://davidmurphyreviews.blogspot.com david

    Hi Lee

    To be honest I just can’t abide FLC, your version wasn’t shabby at all, & rapping was decent.

    You’re not above criticism, of course, but this *was* the 1st time I’ve ever seen you on stage & not had a blast, so you can take comfort from that thought.

    Fred, you’re being silly in claiming anything’s beyond criticism, but I suspect you’re just stirring things up because you’re a cheeky monkey, which is how we like you.

  • http://davidmurphyreviews.blogspot.com david

    OH, by the way Fred, it’s supposed to say “thinking of THE alphabet backwards…”, ie ZYX, not imagining Josh texting dirty! Colin’s edited it so it don’t make no sense anymore. But that’s OK, he runs this site for free, and is therefore above criticism.

  • colinmackinnon

    Yok yok! Definite article restored.

  • leesmilex

    well, david, it almost makes it for me that some who like what i do usually were not into this whilst others prefered it and some who would hate smilex will love psc so i guess its all good! its just things i need to do for my own growth as an artist (oh my god did i actually just say that?!) and as a musician with broad tastes!
    think u should give the first two flc records another go tho, preferably smoking ’em if u’ve got ’em! :-)x
    p.s. not as a disclaimer as much as background info but psc put that set together in just 20 hours of practice with various members missing at various practices and that was actually the first time we had all played together so i felt it went better than ok under circumstances! the hats were way better than review says btw!

  • leesmilex

    thin green fred: the rappers in question were chris/halfdcent (who you will be hearing lots more exciting things from in near future) and my bro grant-ed who you may have seen with delta freq, smilex, psc or even h.i.v at yoursong etc! we also do a thing called chateaux 69 which is kind of awesome weird unsaleable stuff!

  • Stuart Cable’s Perm

    Good write up generally David – thanks as ever for taking the time to do it. However I reckon BillyPure and Shakellers deserve more than one sentence each – or one sentence and some technical advise for BillyPure… :-)
    The violin did sound a little scratchy but the sound on that stage was up and down all day (is it just me or did the engineer not even check the mic before Shakellers started and had to swap it halfway through the first song? A shame as there was a lot of energy on stage from them).

    Agree that Von Braun were good fun although ‘…The Pixies at their effervescent best’ seems a tad generous

  • Stuart Cable’s Perm

    **spelling** ‘advice’, not ‘advise’, of course!


  • http://davidmurphyreviews.blogspot.com david

    Afternoon SCP

    Sorry if you thought some acts got dispatech rather quickly. the challenge is to write something that addresses all the acts, and yet isn’t so wordy as to put all readers off. Billypure got slightly longer reviews for Riverside 08 & 09m if you want to dig into the archives – they’re a decent band.

    Interesting to see someone claiming these reviews were too generous! And you’re right, of course, Von Braun don’t reach the dizzy heights of The Pixies at their peak (yet?), but they did impress me very much indeed.

  • http://www.redoxmusic.com/ Sue Smith

    Charlbury Riverside Festival pleases many people. Such a lovely local free festy. Thankyou organisers, and keep on keeping on. Music and dance forever.
    The acid head charged mad woman, Sue of The Mighty Redox. (Can say that however you want).