‘Significant Landscapes’ is a short series of events being run by Sonic Art Research Unit, a group of people involved in the fine art and music disciplines at Oxford Brookes University. It’s an “exploration of sound, silence and writing” which includes the following events and happenings:
5–8 November, Richard Hamilton Building, Oxford Brookes University: ‘Innen Raum 1-20′ an installation by sound artist Stefan Thut, including the repeated 24-hour playback of one of Thut’s works. Free.
7 November, Richard Hamilton Building, Oxford Brookes University: ‘Writing Sound’ The second in a series of annual events exploring sound and writing, featuring contributions from Salome Voegelin from CRISAP (Creative Research Into Sound Arts Practice), artist and writer David Stent, Composer Michael Pisarro (CalArts), cultural geographer Amy Cutler, writer Daniela Cascella, and artist Patrick Farmer. Free, 2.00 pm-6.00 pm.
9 November, St Columbas Church, Oxford: Performances of ‘July Mountain’ by Michael Pisarro and ‘Givens 1-16′ by Stefan Thut. £5 on the door, 8.00 pm.
10 November, Holywell Music Room, Oxford: Eight hours of new performance works including ‘The Set Ensemble’ and ‘Material’. £5 on the door, 2.00 pm-10.00 pm (audience members can come and go during the performances!
Find out more about ‘Significant Landscapes’ and the SARU at their website.