Truck tickets on sale this week


Tickets for the eleventh Truck Festival go on sale this Wednesday (2 April). The tickets, priced at £60, will go on sale to local residents before they go on sale to the general public, and you can but them from any of the following outlets:

  • OXFORD: The Scribbler, SS20, Music Box, Videosyncratic (Cowley & Summertown)
  • ABINGDON: Mostly Books 
  • DIDCOT: Baby John’s/Windjammer
  • WALLINGFORD: Toby English Books
  • WITNEY: Rapture
  • READING: Guitar Works 
  • HIGH WYCOMBE: Counter Culture

This year’s festival boasts a range of new stages and collaborations – the Barn Stage will be hosted by Vacuous Pop on the Saturday, with Lovvers and These New Puritans already booked, while Maps headline the Sonic Cathedral-curated Sunday Barn. Fresh Out The Box bring the dance tunes to the Barn on Saturday night, while local electro promoters Abort, Retry, Fail? host the Market Stage, with live music including Robots In Disguise. The Truck Stage has already confirmed acts including Noah and the Whale, Camera Obscura, The Television Personalities, Emmy The Great and Small Faces legend Ian Maclagan. Local acts to have been confirmed so far include Borderville, This Town Needs Guns, The Winchell Riots, Alphabet Backwards, Tristan and the Troubadours, Little Fish, Richard Walters, Morrison Steam Fayre and The Family Machine. For all the latest, stay tuned here and on the Truck website.

  • Katt


    Does anyone know if we can pay for a weekend ticket once we get there?

    PLEASE email back soon as.

    Thankyou, Katt xo (: