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A weekend of music in February raising money for Wittstock festival

The annual Wittstock festival at the Railway Inn in Culham is a weekend of Oxfordshire music that aims to raise money through donations, merchandise sales, raffles and other such fun stuff, with all of the proceeds donated to charity. The organisers have not yet decided on the charities they’d like to support this year – “there are so many worthwhile causes”, they say – but they will be giving at least a slice of the wonga to Headway Oxfordshire, who support people affected by acquired brain injury within Oxfordshire.

In order to raise money to help stage the event, and to pay for the production of merchandise, the Wittstock team are running a series of gigs under the name ‘One Gig Closer’ in the months leading up to the festival itself, and have set up a weekend full of music in February to help to concentrate these efforts.

Taking place at The Holly Bush Inn in Oxford on 15, 16 and 17 February, ‘One Weekend Closer To Wittstock’ is a total of 21 and a half hours’ worth of live music, including performances by Komrad, The Goggenheim, The Hawkhurst and many more. Admission is free, but donations to the cause will be welcomed – that’s what it’s all for, after all.

Wittstock festival itself will take place over the weekend of 3-5 May this year, and as well as supporters in the form of gig-goers, the organisers are looking for funding and support from local companies locally.

Find out more about Wittstock and the ‘One Gig/Weekend Closer’ gigs at their website, which also includes details of previous events run by the team.

  • gappy

    I’ve had mana a good day at Wittstock and related events, but I still don’t really understand the business model: there’s a festival to raise money for charity, which is free; to pay for this event there’s another meta-charity event, which is also free; in advance of this there are further micro-meta-charity events, which are also free. And all of them have the same acts on.